Monday, March 27, 2017

Poll Everywhere 2017 Tutorial

via IFTTT Learn how to use Poll Everywhere to enhance your lessons, presentations, and other public events. Poll Everywhere can help make any event an interactive and more engaging experience for your audience. It's also an excellent formative assessment tool.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Learn How to Convert Your Old, Unusable Laptop into a Fast Chromebook for FREE

Many families and schools have old laptops lying around that have become unusable due to outdated hardware or problems with updating the operating system.  Also, the modern Internet, with streaming video, animations, online games, and music demands more system resources than these older computers are capable of providing.  Now there's an easy way to put your old, worthless laptop back into the game and give it a second life:  convert it into a powerful Chromebook, a Chromebook with a larger hard drive than "real" Chromebooks.  Watch this video to learn how (I've also provided you with a link to the $10 USB flash drive that helped me to complete the laptop to Chromebook conversion):
The following links will be helpful if you want to try converting your own laptop:
The article I read that told me this was possible:
The Neverware website where you can get CloudReady:
Step-by-step directions on how to do the conversion:
Link to the USB Flash Drive that I successfully used:

Monday, March 20, 2017

IFTTT 2017 Tutorial ifttt for Teachers

via IFTTT Learn how to use IFTTT to automate and program your digital life by using IF/THEN statements. IFTTT works with Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instapaper, Evernote, etc., etc., and it combines all of those services so that they work together to do what you want. It also works with smart devices, such as the following: